姓 名:刘斌
学 位:博士
职 称:研究员
单 位:新疆农业科学院哈密瓜研究中心
2006年9月至2010年6月 四川农业大学园艺系(蔬菜方向) 学士学位
2010年9月至2017年6月 中国农业大学蔬菜系 硕博连读
2014年9月至2016年9月 Cornell University, USA 联合培养博士
2017年7月至2017年12月 上海交通大学植物科学系 博士后
2018年1月至2021年10月 西班牙农业基因组研究中心 博士后
2022年6月 – 至今 新疆农业科学院哈密瓜研究中心 研究员
以甜瓜属作物为材料,长期从事种质资源收集与创新,基因编辑和分子育种工作。主要围绕果实期和幼苗期两个关键阶段,解析植物器官发育的分子遗传机制。主持中组部国家级人才计划青年项目,国家自然基金青年项目,西班牙Severo Ocho国际人才计划,新疆维吾尔自治区杰出青年基金,天池计划人才项目。在New Phytologist, Plant Cell and Environment, Horticulture Research, Molecular Horticulture等国际主流期刊发表论文20余篇,参与选育黄瓜新品种2个。担任Vegetable Research杂志的青年编辑,以及Horticulture Research, Genetics, Horticultural Plant Journal和G3:Genes, Genomes, Genetics等期刊的审稿人。
1. Bin Liu. 2022. Decoding the WIP1-drived carpel determinacy pathway. Vegetable Research, 2(1): 1-1.
2. Bin Liu, Miguel Santo Domingo, Carlos Mayobre, Ana Montserrat Martín-Hernández, Marta Pujol and Jordi Garcia-Mas. 2022. Knock-out of CmNAC-NOR affects melon climacteric fruit ripening. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:878037.
3. Youzhen Hu#, Bin Liu#, Huazhong Ren, Liping Chen, Christopher B. Watkins, Su-Sheng Gan. 2021, The leaf senescence-promoting transcription factor AtNAP activates its direct target gene cytokinin oxidase 3 to facilitate senescence processes by degrading cytokinins. Molecular Horticulture, 1(1), 1-12.
4. Bin Liu, Jinyang Weng, Dailu Guan, Yan Zhang, Qingliang Niu, Enrique López-Juez, Yunsong Lai, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Danfeng Huang. 2021, A domestication-associated gene, CsLH, encodes a PHYB protein that regulates hypocotyl elongation in cucumber. Molecular Horticulture, 1(1): 1-5.
5. Bin Liu, Shuo Zhao, Pengli Li, Yilu Yin, Qingliang Niu, Jinqiang Yan, Danfeng Huang. 2021, Plant buffering against the high-light stress-induced accumulation of CsGA2ox8 transcripts via alternative splicing to finely tune gibberellin levels and maintain hypocotyl elongation. Horticulture Research, 8 (1): 1-10.
6. Bin Liu#, Hong Long#, Jing Yan, Lili Ye, Qin Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Sujuan Gao, Yaqin Wang, Xiaojing Wang, Shulan Sun. 2021. A HY5‐COL3‐COL13 regulatory chain for controlling hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44 (1), 130-142.
7. Bin Liu, Dailu Guan, Xuling Zhai, Sen Yang, Shudan Xue, Shuying Chen, Jing Huang, Huazhong Ren, Xingwang Liu. 2019. Selective footprints reflect genomic changes associated with breeding efforts in 56 cucumber inbred lines. Horticulture Research, 6 (1): 1-9.
8. Bin Liu#, Xingwang Liu#, Sen Yang, Chunhua Chen, Shudan Xue, Yanling Cai, Dandan Wang, Shuai Yin, Xinshuang Gai and Huazhong Ren. 2016. Silencing of the gibberellin receptor homolog, CsGID1a, affects locule formation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruit. New Phytologist, 210: 551-563.
9. Bin Liu#, Xingwang Liu#, Ying Liu, Shudan Xue, Yanling Cai, Sen Yang, Mingming Dong, Yaqi Zhang, Huiling Liu, Binyu Zhao, Changhong Qi, Ning Zhu, Huazhong Ren. 2016. The Infection of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Roots by Meloidogyne incognita Alters the Expression of Actin-Depolymerizing Factor (ADF) Genes, Particularly in Association with Giant Cell Formation. Frontiers in plant science, 7:1393.
10. Xingwang Liu#, Bin Liu#, Shudan Xue, Yanlinq Cai, XinShuang Gai, Kezia Black and Huazhong Ren. 2016. Over-expression of the nitric oxide synthase associated gene1 (NOA1) in cucumber improves chilling stress tolerance via a nitrate reductase-independent pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1652.
11. Bin Liu#, Jiaojiao Ren#, Yan Zhang, Jingbo An, Mingyuan Chen, Huaimeng Chen, Chong Xu and Huazhong Ren. 2015. A new grafted rootstock against root-knot nematode for cucumber, melon, and watermelon. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35: 251-259.